One of the bigger issues full-timers have when starting the lifestyle is how to deal with receiving mail. You have to have a physical address for insurance, vehicle registrations, and banking. Even in this electronic age of sending the needed documents via email, you still are required to maintain a domicile address once the house is gone. This is where an RV mail forwarding service can help out!
RV Mail Forwarding Service
The Family Connection: You can use one of your family members as a mail receiving and forwarding service. You can change all your necessary contact information to their address and let them collect your mail and keep you posted on important items that come in the mail. This can work out well if they don’t mind taking on the job. But, like everyone else who is busy with their lives, do you want to burden them with the chore of collecting your mail, finding out where you are, and then mailing documents to you? What if something is important and you need it immediately? Will family members have the time to take care of that for you?
What about commercial services designed to handle this kind of thing?
Escapees RV Club: They have a program called Escapees Home which uses a legal “home” address in either Texas or Florida, depending on which one you want to call your domicile state. They charge $85 – $125 per year for the service, plus mailing costs. They do have a FAQ page that can answer some of your questions. I know folks who use their basic service and seem to be happy with it. As they were already Escapees members, it made it easy to add their RV mail forwarding service.
Good Sam Mail Service: Basically using another mail forwarding service company to offer this to their members. So, if you are a Good Sams member, then you get the service at a discounted rate. I think most RVers should be part of Good Sams club as you get numerous discounts with their program. The two best are at Camping World and Pilot/Flying J Truck Stops. I have a fuel card that I can drive through the trucker lanes, swipe the card, fill the tanks, and go. They send a monthly bill via email. You can’t normally do that in those lanes unless you are a trucker. Before this service fueling used to be a real pain! Plus, I get six cents off the cash price! And when you are fueling over 100 gallons of diesel, every little bit helps!
Americas-Mailbox: These folks started their company with the traveler in mind. THey are full-timers as well so they know the difficulties that come with the lifestyle. There are some nuances with establishing residency in South Dakota, as a full time RVer, but you can learn more at their website.
Traveling Mailbox: Probably the most fully functional, yet pricey mail forward service out there! They are just a little more than a forwarding service. My RV Mail receives your postal mail and scans the envelopes and contents in a searchable pdf, so you have access to your postal mail anywhere and anytime. They also offer data storage features.
FMCA Mail Forwarding Service: People may be familiar with this organization and service, but they are no longer accepting new mail forward clients. It looks like their existing customers will have to find a new home for their mail forward needs.
MY RV Mail: Now this is the service that I believe is the most popular, and functional. There are several plans to choose from depending on how you want to receive your mail. Pam and I have used this service since April of 2010. We have had mail delivered all over the country with no problems. I go online to check what mail I have received each day, who it’s from and if I want to keep it or trash it. I can request online where and when I want it sent. The speed of receiving it can also be chosen. It’s not the cheapest service out there, but it is the most useful! Plus I get a legal address that works to establish a domicile location. My S-Corporation is even registered at this services address!
So, I am obviously partial to MY RV Mail as it has worked well for me. I think most full time RVers who use it agree. When it comes to these kinds of things you get what you pay for!
MY RV Mail is a division of Passport America, so if you are a member of that service, you receive a better rate on the yearly fee. And, why wouldn’t you be? You get fifty percent off campsite rates at over 1900 campgrounds nationwide and in Canada and Mexico. The small yearly membership fee pays for itself in just a few nights of use!
If you decide you want to use MY RV Mail, please tell them Howard and Pam sent you. They will know us by #722. They offer a little discount on our yearly membership when folks tell them we sent you their way. Thanks – It is Much Appreciated!!
So, thanks for visiting our website. Please feel free to leave comments if the information has been helpful as you are searching for a mail forwarding service.
Howard and Pam
You have a picture of a USPS delivery truck but no comments about the USPS Priority Mail forwarding service.. We’re on the road from 4 – 6 months and their service has been very good.
Hi Louis!
Thanks for stopping by our website!
The USPS does have a mail forwarding service that you can setup if you have a PO box and are in a new fixed location. They will forward the mail as you direct. This service is okay, but for full time RVers it is cumbersome!
We like the mail forwarding services that are setup for RVers. They have worked the best!