Best Way to Improve Gut Health – Lower Your Biological Age

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Your Gut

The best way to improve gut health is to realize the important role our gastrointestinal tract, or gut, plays in our health, which is a hot topic. Your gut is responsible for digesting and absorbing the nutrients in your foods, and it’s 25 feet long! It’s also a vital organ of elimination.

Just focusing on this health issue can assist in lowering your biological age!

But what most people don’t understand is that the gut has a much greater impact on overall health than one might expect. The reality is that your gut is involved in your entire well-being and plays an integral role in immune function and mood.

Your Immune System and Your Gut

Your GI tract, especially in the intestines, has an interesting job. Your intestines control what leaves your gut and enters your bloodstream. When your intestines are working well, they are permeable enough to let nutrients enter the bloodstream and tight enough to prevent larger molecules like toxins from leaving the area.

Transportation of Plant Extracts through the Gastrointestinal Tract

This leads us to the gut’s connection to the immune system. An immune response may be triggered if larger molecules escape the GI tract. Did you know that about 80% of your immune system is located within your gut?

As the largest immune organ in the body, the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) identifies foreign substances that trigger immune responses in the body (antigens). The gut is heavily fortified with cells that participate in immune responses since it’s an area of our bodies where people are particularly exposed to antigens.

The Gut-Brain Connection

But the gut plays an important role in more than just the immune system. It also has interesting similarities to the brain. The gut is often called the “second brain” because it contains as many neurons as the spinal cord and has its own nervous system (the enteric nervous system, or intrinsic nervous system).

It’s a complex network of lymphoid tissue that constantly monitors the GI tract, assimilates information, and forms plans to keep the GI tract and the entire body healthy. The best way to improve gut health is to focus on the GI tract!

The enteric nervous system in your gut contains extensive neural circuits that let it act independently of your central nervous system (CNS). Even though it can be independent from the CNS, both nervous systems usually work in harmony.

There’s a two-way communication between the CNS and the enteric nervous system called the gut-brain axis that lets them work together to regulate the gastrointestinal, immune, endocrine, and nervous systems.

Bacteria is the Key to a Healthy Gut

So, what is the best way to improve gut health? Though it may sound strange, one of the most important factors in your gut’s health is the diversity of bacteria that live there. These bacteria are known as the gut microbiome.

Scientists estimate that more than 500 species and 100 trillion microbes live in your gut. The bacteria in there affect all sorts of things: intestinal integrity, mood, bowel regularity, the inflammatory response, skin health, metabolic activity, cognition, and much more.

The Microbiome and Villi

The walls of our intestines are covered with millions of hair-like microstructures called villi and microvilli. They’re important because they transport nutrients from the food you eat out of your GI tract and into your bloodstream. This is where the importance of bacteria comes in.

Microbes live on the villi and support their vital functions. Friendly microbes have a mutually beneficial relationship with the villi (a symbiotic one). They reduce the adherence and colonization of undesirable microbes that can disrupt the overall well-being of the GI tract.

How do they do this? Friendly microbes compete with undesirable ones for nutrients and space to colonize. They also produce chemical byproducts that create an unfavorable environment for the undesirable microbes.

The Importance of Microbes

The Microbiome and Nutrients

The gut microbiome also participates in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates and nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron. It also helps with the production of nutrients like vitamins K and B. For example, some friendly microbes called probiotics produce an enzyme your body doesn’t naturally create.

This enzyme helps break down carbohydrates into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs are a major source of energy and metabolism for microbes and help support healthy cardiovascular system function.

The Microbiome and Infants

The process of developing a microbiome begins in infants. A baby’s GI tract begins with a significant population of microbes during vaginal delivery. As a baby grows, his or her gut continues to accumulate microbes. By the time a child is two years old, the gut microbiome is similar to an adult’s own.

Friendly microbes play an important role in an infant’s immune system. They train an infant’s immune system to differentiate between and respond to friendly and undesirable microbes. This is why establishing a healthy gut microbiome early in life has a lasting impact and is one of the major factors in a healthy life.

The Microbiome and Lifestyle

Even though you develop a microbiome early on in life, your lifestyle can affect the health of your gut. What you eat can significantly influence the delicate balance of microbes. Fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables increase friendly microbes.

Prebiotic fiber is also a nutritional source of friendly microbes. You can get probiotics from eating fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha, but most people don’t eat enough to populate the GI tract sufficiently.

Some things can negatively affect the microbiome. Large quantities of animal fats and proteins encourage the colonization of undesirable microbes. Other things like stress, physical exertion, toxins in diet, exposure to unfriendly microorganisms, and other factors can make it difficult for friendly microbes to colonize your gut.

Research also shows that as you grow older, the number of microbes in your gut declines. To help maintain a healthy microflora balance, you can use probiotic supplements, which contain strains of friendly microorganisms.


We recognize the importance of gut health, and the best way to improve gut health is to suggest PB Assist+, a proprietary formula of prebiotic fiber and six active probiotic strains that support a healthy gut microbiome. The supplement has a unique double-layer vegetable capsule, ensuring that the six billion colony-forming units of active probiotics are safely transported past your stomach and into your gut.

The six probiotic strains in PB Assist+ are Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14), Lactobacillus salivarious (Ls-33), Lactobacillus casei (Lc-11), Bifidobacterium lactis (Bl-04), Bifidobacterium bifidum (Bb-06), and Bifidobacterium longum (Bl-05).

The first three promote the healthy colonization and function of microflora in the upper GI tract. The latter three support healthy digestive and immune function of the lower intestine. Each strain was selected for its stability, potency, viability, and extensive benefits. Research has shown that they don’t compete for space in the GI tract and thus won’t compete against each other.

You may be wondering what the letters and numbers after a strain mean. They denote the strain of that particular probiotic, which is important because it means it’s not a generic probiotic that hasn’t been studied.

Each proprietary strain has demonstrated a superior propensity for intestinal adhesion and colonization. By supporting a healthy gut microbiome, probiotics assist the gut in all its important activities, which keeps you healthy.

Primary Benefits of the Numbered Strain Probiotics in PB Assist+

  • La-14 is a unique form of Lactobacillus acidophilus. It promotes bowel regularity, supports a healthy immune response, aids normal respiratory function, and, together with other bacteria (Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium bifidum), supports overall gastrointestinal health.
  • Ls-33 has a stabilizing effect on the immune system.
  • Lc-11 supports healthy immune function and alleviates minor GI discomfort.
  • Like Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bl-04 helps to alleviate environmental stresses, soothe minor GI discomfort, and support a healthy immune system.
  • Bb-06 has been used with other probiotics (like Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus acidophilus) to support a healthy gut microbiome and metabolic activity.
  • Bl-05 has demonstrated its ability to adhere to the GI tract. It supports healthy immune function with Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotics.

How to Use PB Assist+

Take one double-layer capsule three times daily with food for ten days each month. This will help promote the colonization of friendly digestive flora. PB Assist+ can be used more frequently and for extended periods of time when digestive stressors have compromised digestive flora or to maintain a healthy balance of said flora. It can also be used when traveling to boost digestive immunities or once a day as an ongoing maintenance program for people with occasional digestive discomfort.



The Plight of the Modern Diet

Despite having plenty to eat, the world’s population is burdened with poor health. Due to current eating habits, most of the world is starving for nutrients. Much of what we eat today is highly processed and loaded with harmful ingredients. All the empty calories, devoid of vital nutrients, lead to the impairment of key system functions.

Our bodies and minds rely on a steady stream of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, protein, and healthy carbohydrates to function optimally. When we don’t get enough of these, it can result in cellular starvation, sluggish organ function, unsatisfied appetites, overeating, and a lack of vitality.

Side Effects of Poor Nutrition

Beyond the poor food options available, modern agricultural practices have decreased the nutritional value of vegetables and fruits, which have always been our most nutrient-dense foods. Researchers have measured a loss of key nutrients in our produce, like protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin/vitamin B2, vitamin A, and vitamin C.

It has gotten to the point where you would need to eat 21 oranges to obtain the same amount of vitamin A that was found in one orange from the 1950s and 100 apples to get the same amount of vitamin C that an apple had in 1950. Reports show that most adults fail to get the required vitamins for good health from food, and most people have almost three nutrient deficiencies.

Severe symptoms of these deficiencies aren’t common in industrialized nations, but there are many signs of suboptimal nutrient statuses, such as a lack of vitality. The evidence shows that people aren’t getting the nutrients they need from diet alone.

Combine this with high stress levels, a lack of physical activity, poor sleep, and daily exposure to toxins, and you have a perfect storm for cellular nutrient starvation. When you look at the data, it’s clear that most of us should supplement our diet with a bioavailable food nutrient complex each day. Without it, our cells may not have the nutrients they need to produce the state of vitality we all seek.

The Lifelong Vitality Pack

That’s why we suggest a vital group of supplements known as the Lifelong Vitality Pack®. These supplements are central to looking and feeling younger, as well as living longer and healthier. This pack contains Microplex VMz®, xEO Mega®, and Alpha CRS®+ to give your cells the assistance they need to promote vitality.

Adults should take four capsules of each supplement per day with a meal. They’re formulated
to be taken together daily.


Microplex VMz is a formula of vitamins and minerals commonly deficient in modern diets. The formula includes a balanced blend of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, as well as an energy complex of B vitamins. To increase bioavailability, Microplex VMz uses minerals derived from actual foods.

Glycoprotein Matrix

All of these vitamins and minerals are presented in something called a glycoprotein matrix. Usually, when you eat a piece of food, it contains a variety of nutrients that are recognized and absorbed by your body. Isolated or synthetically created vitamins, on the other hand, are more difficult for the body to recognize and assimilate.

To overcome this, Microplex VMz uses a patented process that makes the vitamins glycoprotein compounds. That means a vitamin is introduced to a culture of Lactobacillus and yeast. As it grows, the yeast metabolizes and binds the vitamin into its protein matrix, making it more recognizable as food in the digestive process.

Why Whole-Food Supplements Are Best

The food-derived minerals in Microplex VMz are similarly cultured in yeast to promote bioavailability. Microplex VMz uses a special process to combine minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium with amino acids to form complexes. This allows the body to identify, process, and assimilate the minerals as if they’re being consumed as food. Evidence suggests that minerals are absorbed better in this form. Iron is absorbed two to four times better.

Similarly, the unique form of calcium in Microplex VMz demonstrated improved absorption and the ability to remain present in the bloodstream for longer compared to other common forms of calcium. Greater absorption means your cells have the minerals they need to perform at their best.

A whole-food blend of nutrient and phytocompounds, rich foods, kale, dandelion, parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and spinach, is also included. This also helps improve the body’s recognition and assimilation of nutrients.

Optimized Absorption

As mentioned, certain plant extracts contain constituents that work in synergy with other ingredients, enhancing their absorption and efficacy. Microplex VMz contains Peppermint, Ginger, and Caraway plant extracts to improve bioavailability while helping calm the stomach for those who may experience stomach upset with other vitamin and mineral products. Lastly, a blend of active digestive enzymes and mineral cofactors is included to assimilate food nutrients properly.

Benefits of Microplex VMz

Making the extra effort for the vitamins and minerals to be bioavailable means that Microplex VMz is more effective at:

  • Supporting bone health with calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D.
  • Fighting free radicals with the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Supporting healthy metabolism and cellular energy.
  • Supporting healthy digestion and immune function.
  • Providing whole-body benefits of vitality and wellness associated with optimal intake of essential nutrients.



You’ve probably heard of fatty acids before, but what exactly are they? Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are nutrients required for many key functions, including cell growth, brain development, muscle activity, immune function, joint health, etc. The thing is, your body produces only some fatty acids. You have to get the other essential fatty acids from your food.

Most Common Fatty Acids

The most common EFAs are omega-6, like vegetable oils, foods cooked in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds, and omega-3 fatty acids, which come from foods like fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 EFAs can significantly influence your health. Evidence suggests we should consume a one-to-one ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 EFAs for optimum health.

What’s interesting is before the advent of the modern diet, records indicate that humans met this ratio for hundreds of years. But since the average modern diet today includes a significant increase in fried foods, fatty foods, and vegetable oils, we aren’t meeting this ratio. We get an abundance of omega-6 but not near enough omega-3, about a fifteen-to-one ratio! This disproportionate ratio is linked to poor health.

Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

Scientific evidence shows you can experience health benefits by increasing the omega-3s you take in. Some benefits include a positive effect on cardiovascular function, brain health, immune responses, skin health, visual acuity, joint health, and mobility.

So, what can you do to balance the ratio and get more omega-3s in your diet? The simple answer is to limit the omega-6s in your diet and add more foods rich in omega-3s. As mentioned above, some foods are fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.


xEO Mega® is an easy, toxic-free way to increase your intake of omega-3 EFAs. This unique formula of CPTG® essential oils, marine EFAs, and land-sourced EFAs helps support joint, cardiovascular, and brain health, as well as healthy immune function.

One serving of xEO Mega offers 900 milligrams (mg) of marine lipids (providing 300 mg of EPA, 300 mg of DHA, and 70 mg of other omega-3s) plus a blend of 250 mg of plant-sourced fatty acids. xEO Mega also includes 800 IU of natural vitamin D and 60 IU of natural vitamin E. It has a milligram of astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant carotenoid harvested from microalgae.

All these beneficial ingredients are encapsulated in a vegetarian-friendly softgel. The ultra-pure marine oils in xEO Mega are molecularly distilled and micro-filtered to remove impurities. The fish oil is tested for over 250 contaminants and is certified sustainable by the prestigious Friend of the Sea organization in Europe. xEO Mega also delivers a unique source of land-based oils derived from echium (Echium plantagineum) seed.

Echium provides a beneficial omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which may help support the health of the joints, lungs, and nervous system.


Beyond containing these fatty acids, xEO Mega also contains astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant found in algae. It protects the delicate lipids in the brain by traveling throughout the circulatory system to fight against free radical oxidation.

Astaxanthin also provides powerful antioxidant and circulatory benefits, supports eye health, improves muscle strength and endurance, aids the liver and digestive system, supports skin health, and promotes healthy immune function. Coupled with vitamin E, these antioxidants provide benefits for your entire body.


Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for overall well-being, immunity, bone and teeth health, regulation of calcium maintenance, brain health, metabolism, lung function, cardiovascular health, nervous system function, and healthy cell renewal. It’s estimated that the vitamin D receptor controls up to 5% of the human genome or about 1,250 genes.20,21 xEO Mega includes 800 IU of natural vitamin D.


xEO Mega contains a proprietary blend of CPTG® essential oils—Clove, Frankincense, Thyme, Cumin, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway, and German Chamomile that enhance the activity of the other ingredients in this one-of-a-kind supplement.

Clove, Thyme, and German Chamomile oils are potent antioxidants that protect against oxidation. Frankincense, Wild Orange, and Cumin support healthy cellular responses to oxidative stress (an imbalance of free radicals to antioxidants to neutralize them) and healthy immune function.

The tummy-tamer blend of Peppermint, Ginger, and Caraway promotes digestive comfort and improves absorption and bioavailability. Lastly, the essential oils in xEO Mega also function as a natural preservative system that protects the omega-3 fatty acids and lipid-soluble vitamins from oxidizing and going rancid.



Cells are the basic building blocks of all life. Healthy tissues, organs, and ultimately, organisms depend on cellular reproduction and specialized function and energy production. As we age, cellular function can deteriorate, and we gradually experience decreased energy and performance.

Conversely, maintaining the cellular function of youth can preserve vitality well into your mature years. Cellular stressors such as oxidative stress to cellular DNA and other key cell structures and toxins challenge the health of your cells. Providing them with essential nutrients and Metabolic factors supports healthy cell function, vitality, and wellness.

Why Is Cell Health Important?

The healthy lifespan of cells is a key factor in maintaining vitality. When certain cells aren’t functioning optimally, the body systems, depending on those cells, begin dying. Your body has millions of specialized cells that are in constant communication with each other through complex chemical pathways.

They receive and process information from their external environment, such as temperature changes, nutrient availability, and variations in light levels.

The DNA regulates all of this activity in the nucleus of every cell, which acts as the storage center for information. Healthy cells reproduce, perform specialized functions, and set in motion a sequence for self-destruction when their usefulness declines, which makes way for new, healthy cells. If cellular DNA or other critical cell structures are damaged, this renewal process can be compromised.

Cells and Metabolic Waste

DNA also regulates the proliferation of mitochondria in cells. Mitochondria are cellular structures where oxygen and food nutrients are metabolized to create energy. Healthy mitochondria work like well-tuned engines, producing efficient power with less exhaust (metabolic waste). If too much “exhaust” builds up, the body’s antioxidant defense system takes care of it.

The number and efficiency of cellular mitochondria can decrease as one ages, resulting in decreased energy and performance. Unhealthy mitochondria also put out more toxic waste products in the form of free radical molecules that can damage cellular DNA. If this occurs, it initiates a cascade of events that can damage critical cell structures and disrupt healthy cell function.

Maintaining Youthful Cellular Function

As people age, cells have a hard time managing healthy cellular function. Accumulative failures in cellular function over the years are almost always associated with a decline in the activity of a special enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This enzyme is present in all cells and is the major regulator of how long a cell lives and how well it produces energy.

Cellular waste and damaged proteins accumulate in cells as we age due to a decline in AMPK activity. Interestingly, overeating can have a similar effect on cells. The outward manifestations of diminished AMPK activity include unwanted weight gain, poor metabolic activity, and decreased longevity.

The good news is that AMPK activity can be boosted to promote overall cellular health and healthy metabolism and maintain youthfulness.

The Danger of Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that wreak havoc in cells. Normally, molecules contain even numbers of electrons, bonded as pairs. Free radical molecules are missing one or more paired electrons, and those spare electrons steal electrons from stable molecules, turning them into free radicals.

In turn, the newly formed unstable molecules go on an electron-stealing search, and this pattern continues. This cascading process of free radical damage is called oxidation. When free radicals damage cellular DNA and other critical cell structures, cells don’t function optimally.


Antioxidants are nature’s defense against free radicals. They are electron-rich molecules that can safely neutralize free radicals by donating an electron to them before they can damage vital molecules. Cells defend against DNA damage from free radicals by employing antioxidants.

The cells obtain antioxidants from the foods you eat and the supplements you take. Or they manufacture other antioxidants, called endogenous antioxidants, to keep oxidative stress in check.

Unfortunately, many of the antioxidants produced by the body have short life cycles, limiting their ability to neutralize many free radicals. Polyphenols are a particularly powerful group of antioxidants that protect against free radical damage to cellular DNA.

They have a high capacity to neutralize free radical molecules and have been studied for several longevity health benefits.


Alpha CRS+ is a proprietary dietary supplement with potent levels of powerful polyphenols that support healthy cell function by providing antioxidant protection to cellular DNA and other critical cell structures. It also includes ingredients that support the body’s internal production of endogenous antioxidants.

Key Ingredients in Alpha CRS+

Here are some of the key ingredients in Alpha CRS+:

  • Baicalin from Scutellaria root has a long tradition of use in China and supports healthy cell function with its antioxidant activity. It also supports a healthy inflammatory response, joint mobility, and healthy lipid profiles, as well as protects cells against oxidative stress.
  • Resveratrol, extracted from Japanese knotweed, is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates cellular function.
  • Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring substance in pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and walnuts. It has antioxidant benefits and supports healthy metabolic function, intestinal health, and inflammatory response.
  • Grape seeds are rich in antioxidant polyphenols. The antioxidant benefits of these phytocompounds are associated with a wide range of possible health benefits, including support to the nervous, cardiovascular, ocular (eye), and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Curcumin from turmeric herb is one of the most well-researched naturally occurring compounds with documented benefits. Chief among its benefits is its powerful antioxidant activity and support of a healthy inflammatory response throughout the aging process.
  • Silymarin from the milk thistle herb supports healthy liver function, protects cellular function with its antioxidant activity, and helps maintain mitochondrial integrity. Silymarin also aids in the natural production of a key endogenous antioxidant.
  • Boswellic acids extracted from frankincense are best known for supporting healthy immune and inflammatory responses.

Cellular Energy Blend

Alpha CRS+ includes a cellular energy blend of important metabolic factors to help your mitochondria produce energy more efficiently. Mitochondria are in charge of taking in nutrients from the cell, breaking those nutrients down, and then turning them into energy that the cell will use to perform different functions.

When you provide the body with a steady stream of metabolic factors, it helps the mitochondria produce energy efficiently, allowing you to maintain youthful energy levels.

What Contributes to the Cellular Energy Blend in Alpha CRS+?

Several ingredients help make the cellular energy blend in Alpha CRS+ effective. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Coenzyme Q10—also known as CoQ10—is crucial to mitochondrial function because it not only supports their activity but also acts as a powerful antioxidant within mitochondrial membranes. In addition, CoQ10 supports healthy cardiovascular function and reduces fatigue. Another ingredient known as alpha-lipoic acid also helps to optimize energy production by mitochondria.

Quercetin, a major dietary bioflavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, is one of the most healthy and beneficial molecules with potent antioxidant activity. It stabilizes and protects cellular membrane integrity and neutralizes free radicals to protect some of your body’s most delicate tissues (like the eyes, breast, colon, heart, prostate, and lungs) from oxidative damage. In addition, quercetin supports healthy immune and cardiovascular function.

Together, this cellular energy blend supports efficient energy conversion by the mitochondria
so that you have the energy needed to maintain your vitality.


Mental health influences how you feel, think, and behave. This is why it’s so important to take care of your brain and your body. Did you know that the brain requires much oxygen to operate? It uses about 20% of your oxygen supply to maintain normal function.

The Alpha CRS+ formula includes a botanical extract called Gingko Biloba, which is known to support healthy oxygen flow to the brain. Healthy oxygen flow to the brain helps maintain normal brain and cognitive function, as well as a positive mindset. An added bonus is that Ginkgo helps maintain mental energy and stamina.


Please contact us at if you have questions or health concerns where we can suggest natural solutions.

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Howard Jaros, Certified Essential Oils Specialist, July 2023

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