The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes Indoors

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The Best Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Indoors

best way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors

Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance; they can also pose health risks by spreading diseases like West Nile virus, Zika, and dengue fever. Having these tiny pests buzzing inside your home is frustrating, but fortunately, there are several effective ways to eliminate mosquitoes indoors. Let’s explore seven methods, including great devices like Katchy, the Stem unit, and the Black Flag handheld bug zapper.

1. The Stem Unit Mosquito Trap

The Stem Unit is another fantastic device for keeping mosquitoes at bay. It’s a plug-in unit that effectively catches flying insects. Without harsh chemicals, it attracts and traps flying insects, including mosquitoes, gnats, and moths.

How It Works: Insert the sticky refill cartridge into the light trap base, plug it into a wall, and watch it work as the blue light glows.

Why It’s Effective: The Stem Unit covers a broad area and provides continuous protection. It’s also easy to use and produces no noise or mess.

We have three of these around the RV: the kitchen and the bedroom. At night, when it is dark, the mosquitoes are drawn to the LED blue light and get stuck on the insecticide-free insect super sticky insect trap.

Depending on the number of insects inside the RV, the replaceable insect traps can last a few weeks to a month. We have discovered that we can remove the trap from the unit and, with tweezers, pull the dead insects off it to extend the trap’s life.

best way to get rid of mosquitoes indoorsbest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoorsbest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoorsbest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors

2. Use the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

One of the best gadgets for eliminating mosquitoes indoors is the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap. This device uses UV light to attract mosquitoes and other flying insects. Once they get close, the powerful fan draws than in and traps them on a sticky glue board inside the unit. It has a two-speed fan and is quiet enough to leave on all night.

1. Use the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap One of the best gadgets for eliminating mosquitoes indoors is the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap. This device uses UV light to attract mosquitoes and other flying insects. Once they get close, the powerful fan draws than in and traps them on a sticky glue board inside the unit. It has a two-speed fan and is quiet enough to leave on all way to get rid of mosquitoes indoorsbest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoorsbest way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors

How It Works: Place the Katchy where you’ve noticed mosquito activity. It’s especially effective in dark, quiet areas like bedrooms or living rooms at night.

Why It’s Effective: The UV light and insecticide-free insect trap combination works silently and is non-toxic, making it safe for homes with kids and pets.

We keep the unit in the bedroom on a credenza opposite our bed. It does a great job trapping the mosquitoes that sneak in while we come and go through the RV main entry door. They like to sneak in on Winston, too!

3. Zap Them with the Black Flag Handheld Bug Zapper

The Black Flag Handheld Bug Zapper is a powerful tool for a more hands-on approach. This device looks like a tennis racket but with an electrified grid that zaps mosquitoes on contact.

How It Works: Turn on the zapper and swing it at mosquitoes. When a mosquito touches the grid, it gets electrocuted instantly.

Why It’s Effective: The Black Flag Bug Zapper provides immediate results and is great for targeting individual mosquitoes. It’s also portable, so you can use it anywhere in your home.

best way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors

We bought two of these devices after having seen a family member use them around the lake they live by.

When a mosquito flies by, we press the button and wave the wand, and the mosquito is instantly electrocuted with 2,750 volts. Amazingly, the zapper can produce that voltage from two AA batteries!

This device is highly effective inside the RV and while watching TV or enjoying a campfire outdoors.

4. Install Window and Door Screens

Prevention is always better than cure, and one of the simplest ways to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home is by installing window and door screens.

How It Works: Fit fine-mesh screens over windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering.

Why It’s Effective: Screens allow you to keep your windows and doors open for ventilation without worrying about insects. They are a long-term, cost-effective solution.

5. Use Natural Repellents

Natural repellents can be very effective in keeping mosquitoes away. Essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, and lavender are known for their mosquito-repellent properties.

How It Works: Dilute a few drops of essential oil in water and spray it around your home, especially near entry points like windows and doors.

Why It’s Effective: Natural repellents are non-toxic and can make your home smell pleasant. They are an excellent option for those looking to avoid chemicals.

We use Wondercide, a safe product to use on yourself and your pets and to spray around the yard.

best way to get rid of mosquitoes indoors

6. Keep Your Home Clean and Dry

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so it’s crucial to eliminate any potential breeding sites in your home.

How It Works: Regularly check for and remove standing water in places like flower pots, water bowls, and gutters. Fix any leaks promptly.

Why It’s Effective: Removing standing water prevents mosquitoes from laying eggs and multiplying. A clean, dry environment is less attractive to mosquitoes.

7. Use Mosquito Nets

Mosquito nets are an age-old method to keep mosquitoes away, especially when you’re sleeping.

How It Works: Hang a mosquito net over your bed to create a physical barrier between you and the mosquitoes.

Why It’s Effective: Mosquito nets are simple yet highly effective. They provide a chemical-free way to ensure a mosquito-free sleep.

Combining Methods for Best Results

While each method is effective, combining them can provide even better results. Here’s how you can integrate these strategies for maximum effectiveness:

Prevention: Install screens and keep your home clean and dry to stop mosquitoes from entering and breeding.

Repellents: Use the Stem Unit and natural repellents to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Traps and Zappers: Use Katchy and the Black Flag Bug Zapper to catch and eliminate mosquitoes that manage to get inside.

Personal Protection: Use mosquito nets while sleeping for added protection.

Additional Tips

Here are a few more tips to help you keep your home mosquito-free:

Turn Off Lights: Mosquitoes are attracted to light, so turning off unnecessary lights, especially near doors and windows, can help reduce their attraction to your home.

Use Fans: Mosquitoes are weak fliers. Using fans can make it difficult for them to navigate indoors, keeping them away from you.

Regular Maintenance: Clean and maintain any devices or traps you use regularly. Replace the glue boards in Katchy, refill the Stem Unit, and ensure the Black Flag Bug Zapper is charged and ready.


Mosquitoes can be a real problem indoors, but you can keep them at bay with the right strategies and tools. By using devices like Katchy, the Stem Unit, and the Black Flag Bug Zapper, along with natural repellents, screens, and mosquito nets, you can create a mosquito-free environment in your home. Remember, prevention and a combination of methods are essential to effectively managing mosquitoes indoors. Keep your home clean and dry, use repellents and traps, and enjoy a mosquito-free living space.

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