Make Website for Free – Heard That One Before?

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Free website offers are plentiful on the internet!  They are no big deal and have been offered for years. But will these free websites that you can create actually attract visitors?  What do you do if you have no idea how to market them?  How will people find you using search engine entries?  “Make a website for free” does not guarantee online success!  Having a successful website takes much more information than just picking a site name and hosting it on some server.


However, to succeed online, you must have a website!  Your website is the foundation of an online presence or business if that is what you want.  You need this website to be a solid base for the launch of your online presence.  It needs structure, valuable content, search engine appeal, and visuals to attract and keep readers.

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But, most important is the content of your website!  This is where Google search engines separate the wheat from the chaff.  Without this piece of the puzzle, your website will drift in the oblivion of cyberspace, left untouched and unnoticed by the web surfing world!

I have dabbled with websites since 1997.  I launched a few websites using the technology of the time and by writing in HTML code.  I wound up with some decent-looking websites, but that was all they were. They were a place to send clients to verify information I may have already given them.

The website proved I was an up-and-coming company because I had a website, but no one else could ever find me if they searched for my business and its products.  That was the magic that was missing from my basic websites back then!

Just because you buy a website domain name, or a dot com if you will, and host that domain on some server somewhere does not mean you will be able to have people find you so that you can connect with the world for whatever reason you desired to create the website in the first place.

In today’s internet, it’s a whole new game.  It is like plug-and-play!  You can have a website up and running in 30 seconds!  But once you have that, then what?  What are you going to do with it?  Is it going to be for fun, or would you like that website to make you some money from a subject you are an authority on?

Do you know that you can create a website, write about things you are knowledgeable about, share some experiences about some products and services you know of and use, and when others buy from websites you send them to, you make a commission for the sale?

The trick is to get people to find your newly created website when they are looking for the things you are promoting.  Promoting products and services you believe in is easy!  Talk about how you use them and how you have benefited from them.

So how are people going to find you if you “make a website for free?”  That is where an online website creation university comes in.  It starts with choosing a website name that represents your unique offering.  Think of a website you would like to have and type in the name here!  This will let you know if it already exists.

Once you have found something that reflects your area of expertise, you are ready to begin making your free site something that can be found.

What if I told you that ultimate website success is all about getting an education first?  Duh!

Being a savvy website marketer will require you to receive an online education!  You need someone to guide you through lessons that incorporate both video and written material training.

Does such a thing exist?  Yes, it does!  What does it cost?  It’s FREE!

Okay, it must be a scam!  Nothing is for free!

When it comes to the internet, everything has an angle, and everyone is trying to bilk you out of your hard-earned dollars, right?   Lord knows I have fallen for a few things when it came to trying to make money online.  I am a real skeptic!  I no longer trust anything when it comes to the internet.  I don’t even trust emails from my bank.  I go directly to the site and verify the emailed information!

So when it came to making a website for free, I proceeded with caution, checked the reviews, and discovered there was nothing to lose in trying because no money was required to get two free sites, ten free video lessons, and free search engine queries to write quality content to my new website.  I could keep my free sites for as long as I wanted!  No questions asked!

Writing Quality Content.  What is That?

I think this is the biggest hang-up for people in moving forward with their own website.  They feel they don’t have the skills to craft thoughts into the written word.  You know what?  There are lessons for that, too!  It just takes a little practice, and perhaps some additional study on your own, to be able to clearly express yourself in the written word.

You can create videos to do the same thing, however, Google does not rank web pages with just video content, it ranks sites based on quality written content.  So, if this is an issue, and you are not willing to put forth some real effort to improve your writing skills, then this will probably not be the thing for you!

But if you are intrigued by the idea, try it for free!  Yes, it’s really free.  No credit cards are required, no cancelation for a free trial, and then getting charged.  Just try it and see!  I’ll let you in on what people who have tried it are saying!  Here is a real-life discussion from within the community!

If you would really like to travel in your RV, have the opportunity to make a living “down the road”, (pardon the pun) then check out this option of make website for free!


Howard and Pam


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