How to Fix RV Problems – Home Study Course

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One of the best RV accessories you can buy is one that will teach you how to fix eighty percent of the problems that you will have in your RV that are easy to access and easy to fix!  If you know how to fix RV problems you will save yourself the time that you could have been enjoying your RV and the save the money it will take to pay someone else to fix it!

I know you are thinking, Howard, is that kind of resource really available, and is it worth it?  Can I really learn how to fix RV problems with a home study course?

Having been a graduate of the course myself, I can tell you that the knowledge I gained has been invaluable in the past full time RVing years!  I have been not only able to solve my recurring RV problems, but also able to help others with theirs. And a lot of those have been electrical issues.

Hundreds of course graduates will tell you that the 5-day RV Maintenance Tech Course was one of their best training investments they have ever made!  That sounds good, but what if you can’t make it to one of the live sessions this year?

What if you could still experience one of the RV Maintenance Course sessions from the comfort of your home and in front of your computer? What if you had all the training information on a USB memory stick along with all the books just like those used in the 5-day live classroom?  You can now experience at your own pace and at a time that is convenient to you the training from a Master Certified RV Technician and Professional Instructor.

how to fix rv problems 

The Course Covers:

•  RV Electrical Systems
•  Propane & Water System
•  RV Exterior Systems
•  Air Conditioners
•  Refrigerators
•  Water Heaters
•  Furnaces


“It’s been a very valuable experience.  We’ve learned a lot of things, made a lot of discoveries about our rigs that even some of us that have been RVing for several years weren’t aware of.  And it’s reminded us of a lot of things that we should be doing that we aren’t doing like checking batteries and servicing water heaters and what not so it’s been an excellent reminder of the things that we need to do to keep our systems operating.  We’ve been lucky so far and haven’t had a lot of major problems.  It’s been an excellent experience going over and reviewing these things and not to mention the many new things that we’ve learned about and some of the technical aspects that we take for granted that we don’t know a lot of the background about, so it’s been very good from that particular standpoint.” – Steve Lane

“I’ve learned so much and my RV air conditioner runs AWESOME now (after fixing it with the knowledge attained during the hands-on training) and I’m just really excited to get out there and get my hands on my own trailer!” – Denise Shinn

“I found it extremely interesting.  I was unaware of all the diversity and various aspects of maintaining an RV.  I have a much better understanding of what is needed and I’m looking forward to applying the new knowledge I have.” – Briggs Whitefield

“I’ve owned motor homes and different things since 1998 so I had a lot of practical experience but I never knew all the details behind everything.  This week the best thing has been figuring out what all those details are.  Some of them which are very critical, some of which I’ve had to change my mode of thinking about how I’ve operated my units for more safety so very excited about that.  Hoping to take some of this knowledge not only for my own sake in my own unit but also as we go full time here later this year, having another skill-set that I can take out there and help other people and of course have a chance to make a buck to every once in a while. Really appreciate the instructor’s in-depth knowledge and his ability to teach that to us and get that all across to us.  A lot of us come from different backgrounds in our main careers, in our desk careers if you will, so it really helped to get his teaching methods across to us, so I would recommend the course to anybody.” – Gary Sieverding

“This will save me a lot of money because there’s a lot of things that I’m gonna be able to fix now that before I would have had to take into the shop to have repaired. If you are even thinking about doing your own repairs, you wanna take this course…IT PAYS FOR ITSELF!” – Patrick Shinn

Course Curriculum

how to fix rv problems

The Home Study Version – RV Tech Course In a Box – consists of:
1. Videos of the training conducted during the live classroom sessions. Each session is broken down into segments that you can watch in 15 to 20 minutes or less for easy viewing
2. Additional videos that further support the live class recordings
3. Printed workbooks for each session along with additional handouts to supplement your RV maintenance training
4. Field training exercises so you can have the “hands on” learning experience too!

80% of the problems we have with our RVs are Easy to Access and Easy to Fix…if someone will just show us how.

The RV Tech Course is perfect for You, the busy individual that wants to:

1. Learn how your RV operates and functions
2. Discover how to maintain and repair 80% of the problems your RV might have
3. Gain the knowledge and confidence to help other RVers as you travel on your adventures
4. Help campgrounds with their customer’s RV problems so they can enjoy their vacations instead of leaving early for the shop
5. Work towards becoming an RV Inspector that can do “home inspections” on RVs and help RV buyers make a more knowledgeable purchasing decision.

These are bonuses that are included with the Home Study Course if you want to take advantage of them!

Bonus #1


You will receive a Bonus Training Credit in the amount of $300. This credit can be applied towards tuition of five or more training days course taught at the National RV Training Academy.

Bonus #2


A small portion of the course is aimed at introducing you to the idea of having your own business, perhaps as an RV technician or an RV inspector.

You don’t have to build your small business alone when you can learn from others who have come before you and take a proven model and make it your own. Take advantage of this bonus to develop and build your very own small business.

Register today and take your first step in building your future wealth.


Learn how your RV operates from the comfort of your home and at your own pace! Order the RV Tech Course today for $397 with all the videos, the workbooks and hands-on exercises – shipped Priority Mail right to your doorstep!

how to fix rv problems


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